Don't forget beauties, your extensions are yours! Blending is ALWAYS important because NO ONE wants their weave to be easily detected. If you do not want the hassle of blending your real hair with your tresses or if you are limiting the amount of heat on your natural hair, then a closure is perfect alternative ! Tailored Tresses offers both lace and silk base closures for our wonderful customers ... we know how much you all LOVE option !! LACE CLOSURES are made with a lace-like foundation with hair strands embedded into the tiny holes. SILK BASE CLOSURES are made with hair strands embedded into a nude, skin-like silk material that is reinforced with lace. Silk base closures are typically more natural looking as the lace and holes are not easily seen. Still both forms of closures are essential for a complete hair style when limited or no hair is left out during the sewin. Also either lace or silk base closures are great for those who plan to get a full wig made. Click on the buttons below and indulge !!!